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At the start

Well, here we are. I've been wanting to start this for some time now, but never quite got around to thinking about it. When better to set up a costuming business than in the middle of a global pandemic, right?

I've been making costume for years, and for other people for almost as long, helping my mum to make Tudor kit, and designing costumes for myself and my siblings for Kentwell Magic Weekend. I made (most of) my first kirtle when I was 14, and later, my own doublet and hose, and then hose again (and now again...).

In my first year of joining Historia Normannis, I gained journeyman rank in the guild of drapers, and made kit items for several other group members, earning myself the role of seneschal for Aberystwyth (in charge of kit and craft sessions) when the previous seneschal graduated. This year, I have made kit for several of the freshers, this time charging a profit for the work.

I was in charge of costume design for my second year Theatre production, which sadly was never performed due to the pandemic, although we live in hope that it will emerge from the ashes come September! Although my role largely involved scrolling through Amazon and looking for a reliable source of red blouses, I also got to make four crinolines (hoop skirts). When the professor apologised for making me do so much tedious period research and sewing, I surprised both him and myself by saying "no, this is what I want to do, give me more!". He was excited by this, and suggested that I do a historical costume display for my final year project. I was planning to wait until then to set this up, but as it turns out, I couldn't wait, and so, here we are. I suspect that I will continue to update this blog with progress once I get to start on that as part of a portfolio, so watch this space!

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